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Stone Cutter

Mr. Sahib Jan is one of the Best & the FIRST Gemstone Cutter in the  Northern Areas. He has an experience of working with different people with different Backgrounds. He had been working in Islamabad, Gilgit and Peshawar. Nowadays He is working in Karimabad Hunza at Hunza Gems Cutting Center.

He is a very talented gemstone cutter & really knows "the gems language". He can justify the Price Value of any gemstone in his first Glimpse.

Personally he has a  joyful character & loves to chat with people on different subjects.



Gemstone Cutting Setup  

This is the Setup used for Cutting & Polishing of Gemstones. It consists of a high Horse Power Electric Motor with rotates the plates with finally cut the Gemstone. The other part is a special handle having a hole in the front side, used to hold the stick, having the gemstone sticked with it. Special Plates are used for Cutting of Gemstones whose Sharpness depends upon a specific Number ranging from 180 onwards. Where the plate whose tag number is 180 is the sharpest of all.



In this Picture, Mr. Sahib Jan is cutting a Quartz Gemstone which is sticked with a wooden stick and is held in the golden colored Handle. While water is continuously dropped to make the steel plate wet, so that the gemstone can be easily cutted.




A Gemstone while being Cutting
A Quartz in its final stages In this picture a Huge Quartz Gemstone is in its final stages of Cutting.
90o Angle View.... while the gem is being Cutted.. 90 degree angle View


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